Okay, just to be pishy, every one is talking about this being the shortest day of the year; well, I think all the days are pretty much equal, but today may be the day of the year with the least amount of daylight (for us). Other than those that live 'equatorially' there are solstices that cause more and/or less day light depending on the time of year. BUT, most days are pretty much the same length as the next one, or the one before. As I said, I am just trying to be argumentative here, for really no good reason at all, except that I can be. AND that fact has no real correlation with the kind of day I had one way or another. I'm just sayin...
I hope to take half of the day off tomorrow. I plan to go in in the morning, and leave about 11 or 11:30. Then, believe it or not, I am off to CostCo and then maybe a little more shopping before I make it home. Should be fun. I am storing up patience.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, OPEN GATES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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