Wow, today was a busy day. I sent out four Property Management Contracts, Reviewed two sales contracts for colleagues and talked with two other potential clients. Crazy. But, I will take it, bring it on!
One of my FB friends actually had the nerve to complain about the rain today. Probably not so much the rain, but the prolonged grey skies and damp and cloudy weather. I hope none of the weather Gods were paying attention at the time.

It rained all the way home on me this afternoon. When I was leaving Austin, it was not really raining, just dribbly. These clouds were still in Austin around the University of Texas. The building you see at the bottom of the photo (for those of you that are not from these parts) is the LBJ Presidential Library on the University of Texas Campus. Pretty clouds.
BUT, the further north I got, the stranger it was becoming. The sky turned a weird yellowish color, and it rained pretty hard, and that followed me the rest of the way home.
Tomorrow is another day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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