Slept pretty late this morning, and get up and did the ordinary chores. Made an egg pile for me and Jody for breakfast, and then came into he office at home to catch up on e-mails and see if I could get ahead of the game for the coming week. Kept the fire going in the stove in the living room, so that is good. It will go for at least three or four days before I need to clean out the ash.
I was a little bit suspicious of Lady Bug yesterday when I was out feeding the cattle, she looked like she was up to something (in a cow kind of way), and I saw some suspicious activity out in the pasture this morning.
She is a pretty baby, but I tell you the truth, cows pick some of the damnedest (SP?) weather to have their calves. It is rainy and windy and cold, and there is lots of shivering going on out in those pastures and the barn.
I also spent about an hour broadcasting wild flower seeds out around the storm shelter and the other tank that we had filled in earlier this year. I hope the seeds will germinate and not just wash away. We have had about an inch-and-a-half of rain in the last couple days, and more is expected. It has (so far) been a nice drizzly rain, nothing too extreme, but a good soaker!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW CALVES AND GOOD RAINS, kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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