I woke up at pretty much my usual time this morning, and tried my best to stay in the bed. I think I probably dozed on and off for another hour and a half or so, and finally got up about 6 o'clock because I thought the dog wanted to go outside. I think he really just wanted some company, or maybe he was just hungry, BUT after I got up he was perfectly happy to stay in his bed and go back to sleep.

We could hear the coyotes out in the pastures and the fields this morning as we sat at the kitchen table reading the paper. I thought it best to not let the chickens loose until well after sun up. I have quit opening the gate to their pen before I leave for work, because it is still dark for almost two hours after I leave. That gives Jody a chance to let them loose when he takes the dog outside, and not so much of a chance of something getting into their pen and having a good hearty breakfast.

Speaking of breakfasts, I made a pile of offs this morning, and then I headed outside to get the Mule ready to go for a ride. The Mule runs perfectly well under an alternative power source, but I hope this trip to the Kawasaki dealer will get it fixed. I just had it in the shop in June, and that is too short of a time between visits if you ask me. I do not know what the trouble is this time, maybe it is the carburetor, maybe it is something different. They will start working on it Tuesday (they are closed now until Tuesday) and maybe it will get taken care of this time. It is interesting how dependent you get on something like that when you are out here on the edge of nowhere.
I had a one o'clock appointment this afternoon that lasted until almost four o'clock, and then Jody and I went to the Catfish Parlor for dinner. Tomorrow will be a day of cutting more grass and feeding cattle. I think we have a new calf out in the back (courtesy of Orchid) but I will not know that for sure until tomorrow. AND, we have has 0.04" of rain since the last post, and supposed to have a good chance of rain tonight and tomorrow morning. Probably just enough to make it difficult to get the cattle fed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MULES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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