A wonderful day on the edge of nowhere. I tried to stay in bed later than usual, and I did accomplish that, but I did not stay in bed as long as I would have liked. The largest accomplishment I made today was getting the cattle fed, and I am now guilt ravaged because I did not cut the grass in the bee yard. Well, it will still be there next week when I get back from DC.

I did get the cattle fed, and there were no new calves in evidence. I tried to outsmart the cattle this morning because I wanted them to stay in the far back pasture, so I could bring hay to the front two pastures without them charging around trying to get the hay while I was still trying to get rings around it. I thought (possibly) that if I did not make DIRECT EYE CONTACT with them that they would ignore me, but that really did not work too well. I had to run the last hundred yards or so (that should have been something to see) to block them off before they made it into the pasture. With one gate secured, it was not too much trouble to secure the other one so I could bring in the hay. There was some more nice fungus here and there, and this little pinwheel example was pretty.
We did get about 1/3" of rain last night, so that was swell. The chickens are doing well, but Very is (I hope) molting. Either that or she has the mange. Hopefully it is the former.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FUNGUS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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