I left the office early today to stop on the way home and get my slow-leak fixed on my tire. Well, it did not take nearly as long as I had allotted time for, since they said they could not fix the tire (because the steel belts on the inner wall of the tire were showing) and they did not have any tires in stock that would fit my car. SO, I left there and called the dealer, and I now have an appointment for next Tuesday to take the car in and have the two back tires replaced. I had the front ones replaced several months ago, so this will complete the set. OH, and they have to order the tires as well and it takes four to five days for the tires to be shipped in, so I am only 'tentatively' getting the tires replaced next week. We shall see...
A special shout out to the Pooter today. I hooked up with the original Pooter this afternoon via FaceBook, you know who you are...
It is kind of cool this evening, and it is not so humid. There is even a little bitty chance of some more rain this week. We will see how all that turns out.
I need to think about starting to pack, but there is always tomorrow for that. OH and by the way, I got my income tax filed today, too!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FICUS TREES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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