I did come pretty darned close to achieving my goal today, which was to do as much of nothing as I could possibly get away with. I did stay in bed til almost 7 o'clock this morning. Jody got up about 5:30 to take the dog out, but I was glad that he crawled back in bed and went back to sleep. Not sure if the dog really needed to go outside or if he was hungry or if he was just checking to see if he could get Jody out of the bed or if he was just lonely and wanted to play cards. Whatever the case, he was taken outside and then was shown his bed for another period of time.

I did make us a pile of eggs this morning, and then I swept out the garage while Jody and the boy dog went for a walk. When they got back, we went for a ride around the neighborhood (so the dog boy can bark at other dogs), and then I went and fed the cattle. I think they can (maybe) skip the hay next weekend, I think they have plenty of grass out there, and there is plenty of hay on the ground that they need to clean up. Oh, and the Iris are still blooming. I love these parchment colored ones.
We drove into Austin this afternoon to make a crusade to CostCo, and I swear the people in that place act as if they might never have another meal. I saw one girl (mid-20's) with her cart piled with more food sample trash than she had product that she was purchasing. Of course, part of it is I just want to feel superior to those that are getting the samples, so I just respond 'no thank you', and mutter under my breath when a nine year old unlicensed cart pusher careens his run away cart off a stack of women's fiber filled bedroom slippers causing them to crash into a pile of debris (clean up on aisle 5) and the store manager has to call the fire department to bring the jaws of life to try and extract the three carts beneath the mediums (size 7-8) and try to get a line of oxygen to the injured. Wow, that took a turn I was not expecting.
Needless to say, we will try and rethink the days and times of our visits to CostCo.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SHOPPING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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