Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2012 - Day 304/62 - Tuesday...

Is it just me, or should today be Wednesday or Thursday?  I'm just sayin...or maybe I am actually just askin...or axin...

I used to be much more startled by this than I am now, but it is still an interesting thing.  Is this really safe?  One big truck pulling two or three other big trucks, some on them heading a different direction?  Is that really safe?  It reminds me of putting dishes in the dishwasher and seeing how I can squeeze another plate or two in so I don't have to actually wash something by hand.  OR, carrying EVERYTHING from my car up the stairs to my office so I do not have to make another trip.  As I get older, I am learning that I am okay with making another trip.  All it takes is one good face smash when you TRIP UP the stairs, and you will learn.  At least until the next time.

I am relatively caught up with work, it is that slower time of year, and that is not necessarily a good thing, but it is a time of planning and being able to take a breath.  AND, after going up and down the stairs (see the paragraph above) I need all the breath I can get.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CALMNESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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