We happened to be driving down the (relatively) main street of Bartlett today, and happened upon this sign in the front yard of a home. Here we go again. The political mouthing off has been pretty (sadly) quiet for the last several months, but I am particularly interest in what this is all about. I will keep you all informed.
Let's talk about state required vehicle inspections for a paragraph or two, shall we. Every year that the inspection comes due for the truck, I have a bad experience. We don't drive the truck that much, and the weekends is the only time I have to get the inspection done. And most of the businesses that can accomplish that task (here on the edge of nowhere) are open only during the week. Since I try to accomplish a couple tasks at a time, I have gone twice to the same type of rapid lubrication business in Taylor, Texas where there has always been a 45 minute or longer wait. Both years I have asked if, since I have signed in, I could go the ten or twelve blocks to the feed store, get the feed I want and come back. NO! Last year I left, this year I decided to stay.
After a wait of 45 minutes, I was told their computers were down (they said the DPS computers were down but I am not so sure about that), and I could MAYBE come back later in the day. I was searching for another inspection station (cause for the encounter two paragraphs above), but was not able to. I went to another concern in Georgetown and was told there was a 3 to 4 hour wait (which means it would take them two hours per inspection if the folks waiting were any kind of indication) and I was resigned to ask Jody to take the truck in on Monday. BUT, LO AND BEHOLD as we were heading to Chick-Fil-A we passed a Jiffy Lube who had no wait, we were in and out in 20 minutes, and I will be back net year.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, INSPECTIONS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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