Today was my Meals-On-Wheels day, and I had seven of my nine usual clients on my route. Two of my favorite clients are wonderful people, and I really enjoy interacting with them. One is a lady that is very frail and I have been delivering to her for years-and-years. She is becoming less and less mobile, and today (even though it was WARM outside) her house was probably 95 degrees and very humid. Orchids would love the environment, and she too is a fragile flower. Another client is a very timid gentleman, and we share a secret 'door-knock' so he will know it is me at the door. I knock with my code, he knocks back with his code, and then I answer his knock. Even though he knows it is me, he still just cracks the door a tiny bit before opening it to accept his meal. Then we have a little bit of conversation, and then that is it til next week. Fun...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MOTIVATION, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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