Okay, if it is the first Monday in November, that must mean that it is Wurstfest at one of the (two or three) Lutheran Churches in Walburg. This is our fifth year to succumb to the offerings, and I have to tell you this one was not too bad. I do have to report (Marci) that the threat and actual occurrence of precipitation in the area makes these folks a little bit unnerving. Walk straight towards oncoming traffic and do not pay any attention to it, why don't you? Divine intervention will most likely not come to your rescue when there is a brat and some sauerkraut involved. Oh, and you over there in the pickup truck, why don't you just fishtail out of the parking lot (pay no mind to those County Sheriff's on either end of the parking lot. AND ALL OF YOU, a genteel 'thank you' might be in order. By the way, whoever said there is no inflation has not stood in these lines for the last five years. But did I mention that it was better this year than in recent memory? That is what I meant to say.
It had dribbled a little bit all day today, making folks kind of grouchy if you asked me. We only got six eggs today and one dead bunny. The bunny carcass appeared sometime between the time I got home (a little after 5) and when I went to put the girls to bed (about 6:30). Interesting stuff goes on out here on the edge of nowhere.
Travelling to San Francisco tomorrow, and I have not even begun to pack yet. I may put it off until the morning, and then again, I may not.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WURSTFEST, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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