There have only been a few occasions in the (almost) five years that I have been doing this journal, that I have not posted a photo that was taken ON THE DAY of the posting. I took a couple absolutely adequate photos this morning or an absolutely adequate sunrise, but it seems I deleted all of the photos not just the one that was all black (obviously badly aimed). AND, since it was WELL beyond dark when I got home, there was not too much photo-worthy. SO, the photo of the day is one that I took last Sunday in San Francisco at the Foreigner concert. Pretty cool, front row seats, wormed my way up to the stage (just one woman was between me and the stage and the last time I saw legs like that they were firmly attached to a grand piano). Needless to say, she was not willing to cooperate and I thought I had made her an offer she could not refuse, but she did. ANYWAY, I hope you enjoy this photo.
As fate would have it, it did not even freeze here overnight, and there is no threat of another freeze in the long term (seven day) forecast. Maybe a little bit of rain. That is good news for the morning glories, and all the rest of the plants around the house.
F1 madness has started, and it will be CRAZY all this weekend. Jody and I are going to a birthday party tomorrow night, but it will be a little bit north of the chaos, so that should be okay. I am looking forward to the weekend!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GROUPIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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