The freeze was much lighter than it was predicted, and that is a good thing. We had a fire in the stove last night, first one of the season, and it was a big chore to a) get it started and b) keep it going. It was still burning this morning when I got up and I added some firewood to it, and there were still some embers burning when I got home this afternoon. I added some more wood to it, babied and pampered it, and it is going again very nicely. It is not supposed to be as chilly tonight (depending upon whom you listen to), and then there will be a warming trend. The morning glories took a little hit; there are some freeze marks on them but they are still going to survive for the most part.
A really busy day today, but tomorrow will be better. Not as many meetings, deadlines and hurdles to jump over. AND I get to deliver my Meals-On-Wheels route. What could be better than that?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STUFF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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