There is a lovely Iris blooming out by the circle, and a few others here and there. I noticed it as I was all bundled up after having turned the water off to the troughs in the back pastures, in preparation of the light freeze we are expecting tonight and the next couple days. This is not a good sign. This is a bad sign. This is not going to be helpful to the morning glories. By the morning, there is a good chance they will all be nothing more than a mushy mass of deadness. I am not really happy about that. It is not supposed to be this cold this early. Does not bode well.
First day back at work after being gone for a week, could have been worse, it could have been a LOT worse. Overall, things were pretty great actually.
Did I mention that it is supposed to go down below freezing tonight. I thought so.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COLD, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!
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