Repeat after me; Bill Evans is the luckiest man in the world. Now, whenever you run into me, please repeat that to me. BECAUSE IT IS TRUE!

As I was driving home this afternoon, I was (as usual) on the prowl to find something photo-worthy for the journal. Sometimes I get lucky and remember to take photos during the day, but often I use them on face book, and I do not care to repeat. Many of my THOUSANDS of subscribers are also face book friends, so I do not care to be repetitive. But I digress... Anyway, I noticed some attractive clouds (just chocker-block FULL of elephants) and I pulled over to the side of the road to complete the proper documentation, and I looked to my left and there were these BEAUTIFUL clouds with the Jacob's Ladder of sunlight coming out from them. Absolutely magnificent. I hope I am not boring you to tears with clouds.
As I write this, I can look out the front windows of the house and see the yard. Barney (get it?) the cat is walking leisurely down the front path. I alerted Jody, and he came to check out the action. S/He decided to sit on the gravel path and have a stare down with Jody. The cat won! It is nice that s/he is getting more comfortable and letting us acknowledge his/her presence. Now, just as long as s/he leaves the chickens alone, everybody will be happy.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BEAUTY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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