So, when you live on the edge of nowhere (which is further than the middle of nowhere) you get to take advantage of certain things; no traffic (which provides no reason to stop at those pesky stop signs), no heat island effect (not so great in the depths of winter) and nothing to get in the way of you and the sunrise or the sunset. This was he case last night as I went to put the girls to bed Well, they actually put themselves to bed, I just secured them in their chicken accommodations to make sure those nasty chicken predators did not cause them to lose any sleep unnecessarily.
Not a bad day today, a PM meeting in the AM, Kay brought a pulled pork sandwich to me for lunch (very kind), went to a successful listing appointment, so overall it was a pretty darned good day. Remember, for every peak there is a valley, so you have o enjoy while the enjoying is good.

Once I got home, I stopped and checked the egg production of the day. I am like the pied piper of the chickens, or perhaps I have turned them into Pavlov's chickens. Many of them come with when I call them (because that means I am going to spread feed) and also to keep from feeding them inside the coop which causes much less cleaning on the weekends. ANYWAY...you have heard of Angry Birds? This is (usually) one angry chicken. This is Libby, who really wants to be held and cuddled but just cannot make the jump. She is also a brooder, which means she thinks she is going to hatch something, even though there is nothing to hatch. ANYWAY, she gets all ticked off when I reach up under her to see what is under there (usually just a nest egg but they do share nesting boxes), and she used to squawk and peck, not she is resigned to scooching up, letting me do my thing, and then she gets a little bit of petting for the inconvenience. She likes it but refuses to admit it, and refuses to enable me to make her a lap chicken!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ANGRY CHICKEN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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