The new routine seems to be that Barney (get it?) walks down the front path between 7 and 7:30 and makes his/her way cautiously to his/her food dish at the back door off the lab and has a little bit of food, and then retires to somewhere for a while and then comes back and finishes off the food before morning. I think s/he lives under the floor in the back shed/carport but there are plenty of hidey holes s/he could be using. I am going out on a limb here t declare that Barney (get it?) is a girl. I think that is the best bet right now, and that fact can be verified if we end up with a slew of feral cats here before too long. We heard some hanky-panky outside our bedroom windows a couple months ago, but so far there is no evidence of more than the one cat. It will be easier to acknowledge kittens and that Barney (get it?) is a girl than to declare her a boy and then have to go through a big gender change officially in the future. If she never has any kittens, that does not necessarily mean she is not a girl, it could just indicate that she is a good girl, like the chickens. Virtuous.
I had a bit of difficulty sleeping last night, so I spent most of the night in the big blue chair. It really is a comfortable chair, and not a challenge to slumber. I did get to sleep a little longer this morning and was able to make Jody and myself a nice pile of eggs before I headed off to Cedar Park to water the newly installed landscaping at one of my listings. Then there was a stop at Costco, then home and back to the big blue chair.
It will be a lovely evening.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BARNEY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
PS: On this date in 1968, forty-six years ago, my dad died. I was just a kid, 16 years old. I honestly think it is the one thing in my life I have not been able to get over.
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