A couple weeks ago (maybe more, maybe less) I showed you a photo of some peaches we had from one of the trees in the back. They were lovely and red and tasted delicious. This afternoon I decided to go and take a look at the other tree to see if those peaches had ripened. They were still on the yellow side, but there were lots of them laying on the ground. I thought maybe the storm we had the other night knocked them to the ground, and I brought them in the house anyway. It turns out they may have just ripened and fallen to the ground. They are delicious as well, and the pits just fell out of them, like I would expect a "free stone" peach to do. I do not think these are free stones, but they are mighty good. Jody said his dad used to call them "white peaches", and that white peaches were good for eating, yellow peaches were good for canning. Well, do not think for a minute that there will be any canning going on here (we did freeze peaches a couple years ago, and we still have some of those in one of the freezers), I think these will simply e consumed!
Jody and I both stayed in bed really late this morning, but I did manage to get some work done around the house. I got the chicken coop cleaned, got the grass cut in the front (maybe the back next week, time will tell), and Miguel came out and got a lot of weeds in the beds up by the road cleared out. It looks really good. After Miguel left, I took a nap (well of course I did), and then got up and vacuumed and washed the car.
I have really taken a liking to car washing, it is one of those things that I can do and lose myself in thought (plotting and planning really). It is good, and you can see the rewards of your labors instantly! After that, I actually jumped in the pool for a couple minutes. And then, of course, there was another nap on the schedule.
Tomorrow begins another week, which looks to be quite manageable; buy but not overly so. Manageable.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WHITE PEACHES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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