Today was an adequate day, the high point was guiding about 8 or our members through a one-hour 'lunch and learn' type of class on the Code of Ethics. Good stuff. Before and after was devoted to real estate, and that was all god as well.
One thing I noticed on the national news this evening (okay, maybe two or three things). There is a cease-fire pending in Israel and the Gaza strip. Cease fire is scheduled to begin at 9AM tomorrow morning (their time I assume), but in the freakin' mean-time they are going to set off as many weapons as they can...why isn't the cease fire effective immediately? Sorry to be on this soap box, but it is my journal, and that pretty much answers that. The other thing I noticed about this most recent conflict; they were showing footage of the area, and there was a beautiful blue sky and lovely clouds in the background. I told Jody, they have the same clouds there that we have here.
That pretty much sums it up.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STUPID, Kindnesses, WHIRLED PEAS (get it?), FUN!
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