Sunday, October 18, 2015

2015 - Day 291/74 - Sunday...

As you (dear gentle readers) are all aware, generally speaking, I could give a rats ass about rat snakes. Or any other snakes for that matter. Live and let live is my motto. To each his own, is what I believe. I could care less who anybody (or anyThing) wants to marry, it is none of my business. Waste not, want not, you know? BUT, as you (gentle readers) are all well aware, if you mess with my nest eggs, I am gonna hunt you down and chop your head off and skin you back until I get my nest egg out of you. You can either die a slow, agonizing death (caused by that big nest egg eliminating the most basic of your body functions), or I can just get two or three pairs of lopping shears out of the shed and work you over until I find a pair that will actually do the trick. AND if you are stupid enough to get up in a tree on one of the coolest (I started to say coldest, but so far we have not seen any snow) mornings this fall, and since you are a snake and your metabolism slows down in cool weather, I can offer nothing but to exclaim YOU ARE AN IDIOT, EVEN IF YOU ARE A SNAKE. So much for that snake, I wise the snakes around here (in general) would just quit, and we would all be happy.

For those of you that are keeping track, there was no blog post (via Facebook) last night, due to technical difficulties. The blog did post on the web-site (, but all should be well this evening, I did a test post earlier today, and everything seemed to be back to normal.

Tomorrow is the start of early voting, so make sure you get out and vote, and especially for Props 1 and 7. If you live in Houston, there are three different Prop 1's, so make sure you vote for the right one.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SNAKES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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