Sunday, August 7, 2016

2016 - Day 220/146 - Sunday...

Well, this is just another sign that global warming is real. Or that E does not really = MC2. Or perhaps the symbol for water is NOT H2O. There really is such a thing as Dr. Seuss. Or maybe Sheldon is NOT the smartest man on a sitcom. Or we collect upwards of two dozen eggs per day. Perhaps only tame bears shit in the woods. Or the current Pope is Episcopalian. Pi is really 3.17. The Fourth of July is supposed to fall on the 7th. The mortality rate of goats is not normally as high as it is on our neighbors property. Solar panels are really installed only to attract clouds. Honey is not really bee spit, and money DOES grow on trees. Everything I believed I knew is up for grabs. The sage up by the road has been blooming for about three days now, and not a drop of rain. Nothing. Blooming sage means it is going to rain. But nothing. I am very confused.

Otherwise, it was a typical Sunday. Lots of accomplishments, small, inconsequential accomplishments. The highlight of the day was visiting with Mike and Candy for Lupper. DEE-LISH!

Now to go retire into the big blue chair.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SAGE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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