Saturday, September 3, 2016

2016 - Day 247/119 - Saturday...

What in the hell was I thinking? Why would anyone want to mess with success? For the past six or eight years, every day that I am home in the mornings (not going to work or stuff like that), I have made a pile of eggs. I have deviated from the norm on occasion to include bacon or biscuits or something like that, but I have been experiencing a hankering for spam and corned beef hash, stuff that contains a whole lot of sodium and artificial ingredients. I needed a chemical fix; you know, Better Living Through Chemistry and all that stuff. Anyway, during the last week I made a stop one afternoon at the HEB and walked out with two (I can very seldom if ever buy one of anything) cans of corned beef hash, and decided that I use it in the breakfast egg pile this morning. I did consult Jody prior to that adventure, and it was approved. To begin, I underestimated the size of the skillet I would need, or underestimated the volume of all that corned beef. But that part of it survived the process. It turned out like you might imagine the slop on Big Brother, although I had never thought badly of being confined to slop-for-a-week.

But Jody decided it was not one of my better creations, and some thought will be needed before I open the remaining can.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SLOP, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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