Is there a Merit Badge for cutting grass? How about changing the batteries in the smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors? Chickens? Is there a Merit Badge for keeping chickens? Can I get a Merit Badge for ANYTHING? I really think I deserve one. It was 90 degrees on the edge of nowhere today, and the high temperature is expected to be 65 degrees tomorrow. 90 degrees is a more than acceptable temperature for this area in the summer, but it is still winter here. Not even spring yet. 65 degrees is totally acceptable for that grey period of time between winter and spring, but 90 degrees is pushing it a bit. I watered beds today, not all of them but about 40 percent of them. I should finish the rest of them tomorrow. I cut grass today, not all of it, not even most of it, but some of it; the dog run and the other side of the creek. But that was something. AND the biggest of the littlest chicks have been put into the coop with the big girls tonight.
They had their first taste of free-ranging today, and they all did really well. I will put the other seven chicks in with the big girls in about another two weeks, no reason to rush it.
Hopefully it will rain a little bit in the next couple days, but maybe not.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BULBS BLOOMING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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