Tuesday, March 20, 2018

2018 - Day 79/286 - Tuesday...

Today was a better day all around, although I did not sleep that well last night (anxiety hangers-on), but today was just fine, and the rest of the week will be a piece of cake, although cake is not on my restricted foods list.


The wisteria up by the road is doing very nicely. The perfume of the wisteria is absolutely intoxicating, and when I was up there checking meters this afternoon when I got home, it was really intense. It is interesting to me that everything is smelling better to me this year. Jonquils, daffodils, Mountain Laurels, wisteria; everything has a more intense odor to me, and I love it. So far the allergic reactions are not driving me crazy either, so that is a good thing.

Unless you have had your collective heads in a hole, you are aware of the person or persons that are placing package bombs around the city. We have now reached the point where there are suspected to be 'copy-cat-bombers', which is just exactly what we need. There is not enough crazy in the world, we have a person (or persons) that are blowing things (and people) up.

Crazy! And you can't fix stupid!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, WISTERIA, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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