Today will go down as the reptile day, although I first had to determine if a turtle is a reptile or not, and having satisfied myself that a turtle is indeed a reptile, I decided to refer to today as reptile day. On my way home this afternoon, I saw a turtle crossing the road, which makes one ponder to oneself 'why did the turtle cross the road'? If the response is something like 'to see if it can make it without some redneck in a truck using it for target practice', you might be right. I think it was the old sage Jeff Foxworthy that said 'You might be a redneck IF you run over turtles on the road with your pick-up truck', but I am not 100% sure of that. At any rate, I did take a photo of the turtle prior to my giving it a boost to the other side of the road (always put them on the side of the road in which they were heading). After dinner tonight, I was loading the dishwasher, and Jody told me to go look out the window; and there was a rat snake on one of the patio chairs looking for an entry point into the house. I donned a pair of gloves, grabbed the snake (a particularly slow moving snake), snapped a couple photos for good measure, and flung it across the fence to one of the neighbors pastures. No harm done, and hopefully it will live to kill a rat another dy. It looked pretty healthy if I do say so myself!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, REPTILE DAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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