Wednesday, October 17, 2018

2018 - Day 290/75 - Wednesday... Still...

I have been to San Diego three or four times (at least) in the past...okay make that five or six times (at least). The first time was back in the 80's with my old corporate job. Then, it seems like every two or three years I am back to attend one or another real estate niche conferences. No one is complaining. As far as I know, most (if not all) of the attendees like San Diego and like attending the conferences here. I am in that group. I like it a lot. Today, Carrie and Rob and I attended some sessions and then we headed off to San Diego proper for lunch and just to enjoy the city. This photo is one that I (as I recall) have used in the past in this journal. I just think it is interesting. The actual event depicted here actually happened in New York City...pretty much as far to the right side of the continent as this city is totally on the far left side. I just think that is interesting. Kind of juxtapositioned geographically speaking. I hope you enjoy...

And yes, a very good day overall. Learned lots, shared lots, saw lots, heard lots...a successful day!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, THE KISS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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