Saturday, December 22, 2018

2018 - Day 356/9 - Saturday...1695...

Those of you who know me at all will not find any reason for panic at the following statement: I am crazy as a loon. Well, maybe not CRAZY in the biblical sense, but I definitely do have some quirks, which leads me to go forward with a theme that I have used in this journal on at least two earlier occasions in recent months. How much is too much? I know for certain that I went on and on about Band-Aids (or products of a similar nature). I also believe I went on-and-on about toilet paper. I have LOTS of socks, but I know for sure you can never have too many socks. Whatever. Today I decided to tidy up the shelves and hidey-holes in the home office. This is where the crazy part comes in. I have 1,669 return address labels from (mostly) unsolicited sources. What with the demise of the US Postal Service, I cannot imagine EVER having a need for that many return address labels. Not counting leap years, I have enough return address labels for 4.58 years of mailings, if I mail one envelope per day. The odds of that happening are not particular good. I give it 8 to 1 against that happening, However, if any of you (kind readers) would like to send me something, just let me know and I will forward you a batch of address labels so you won't have to worry with that part. I considered not attaching this particular photo to this entry, fearing someone might be a super-sleuth and determine the address and send me another batch of return address labels, just out of spite, but that is the chance I will take.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, LABELS, Kindnesses, Wh
irled Peas, FUN!

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