Today is our last day/night in Florida. It's been nice, but I was not prepared for the humidity and the bugs. Especially the bugs. I have always been a mosquito magnet, and this is not the place to be if that is your reality. The hotel was nice, it was absolutely wonderful seeing friends and colleagues that we have not seen for 18 months or so, and the speakers and session providers (except for one) were excellent. Today we had planned to do a tour of some of the islands and smaller waterways on miniature two-person catamarans. But, just before we got there, they called and said there storms and lightning in the area, so all the tours were cancelled. We made it back to the hotel, rented a cabana, and headed out there. About 30 minutes in to that, it started raining, thundering and lightning, so they closed all that down. The last plan of the day was pretty successful, which was dinner in Naples at a nice, mainly seafood restaurant. The food was good and the group of friends we were with was excellent. The picture I am posting with this entry is part of the reason I missed my entry last night, but only part of the reason. The other part of the reason was the amount of wine I consumed, so, there you have it...
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