I used considerable restraint this morning by NOT taking photos of a traffic jam (wreck?) that slowed my commute by about 20 minutes this morning. One reason for my discipline is because I reported in this journal that I was going to take a hiatus on wreck photos, AND because by the time I got to the 9alleged) wreck, there was nothing but fire trucks and police cars. Nothing else. Insert haha anecdote about donuts and dalmatians here. I did make it in to the office with no other real issues, and got some paperwork done, answered some e-mails, and went to a noon lunch appointment. Back to the office and soon after I was off to the farm. All was good, it is just hot and muggy and all that stuff. I saw Barney yesterday, so that was good, and the chickens are, apparently, taking a hiatus on laying eggs. There were only two eggs this afternoon. I mentioned yesterday, maybe, that I need to stop bringing things from the farm to the Curious House. Here is photo proof. Jody always said that there was a fine line between yard art and crap on the porch, and that I was erasing it. I don't deny that, and I am STILL carting stuff from the farm to the curious house!
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