Today was a busy day, from when I left this morning until AFTER I got home. On the way in to the office this morning, there was a backup on the Interstate. I have photos, but I am not sharing them. They are not horrific, I just took a vow to go for some time before I post more wreck photos. Maybe in October. Halloween seems like a good time to start posting wreck photos again. I'll let you know. Anyway... this traffic backup was apparently caused by the side of a Target 18-wheeler trailer falling off the truck and distributing its' cargo onto the side of the expressway, which takes the 'express' part out of the word expressway. I was looking for some shorts and sandals, but decided to just keep creeping along. I got to work a little bit later than I had wanted, and I had a 10 o'clock appointment, then a 1 o'clock appointment, and headed off to the farm at about 2:30 or three. Everything was extra good at the farm...my neighbors (the good neighbors) were out there cutting grass. CUTTING GRASS. I fed the cat, fed the chickens, collected eggs, got a family of frogs out of the pool skimmer, and headed home. I made a quick stop at Kohl's (the second Kohl's of the day), and came home with some very comfortable shorts that should last me for many years to come. When I got home, I had a six o'clock zoom call, and that ended at about 6:30. Sunflowers are not looked at with too much pleasure out in the ag areas surrounding the farm, but Jody and I liked them just fine, so I thought I would share this photo of some of them with you this evening.
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