It is the weekend, and that is a great thing. This ends the first full week on not owning the house at the farm. I still have seventy acres of land out there, but there is very little maintenance involved with that. I seem to have filled the extra time I have been afforded when the house sold, but I am not really sure what I have filled it with. I know for sure that it was a good decision, and I could not (well, maybe I could) be happier with the decision to move to Georgetown. The Curious House is great, the area is really nice, the neighbors are excellent, and I doubt (well, maybe I could) I could ask for anything better. Well, of course I could, but no sense thinking about that! Onward to the weekend! The girls are going to the beautiful parlor in the morning, and then my plan is to make a stop at Home Depot for a
NO SOLICITING sign for the front door. That is definitely something that I am NOT used to...people coming to the door to try to sell me something; pest control, lawn fertilizing, cell service, you name it. And they are not wont to take LEAVE for an answer. They show up on the doorstep time and again. So... But today was a good day, and I am looking forward to the weekend. One of the highlights of the day was lunch; I went to Sandy's and had a cheeseburger combo and a root beer. Sandy's has been here ever since I have been in central Texas. I just looked it up...they opened in 1946 and had a 99 year lease on the property, beginning in 1945. I guess that in 2044 it will be lost and replaced with a condo complex, but until then, party on!
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