According to me, and this IS my journal, we are on the downhill side of 2021. Half the year is behind us, and we are heading right now to 2022. Do you all remember when we were worried that the microwaves would quit working on January 1, 2000? That seems like such a long time ago, and I wonder where all the time has gone. I got some errands run before heading to the office, and my intention is to get really some progress made in the front building this weekend. It is also supposed to rain all weekend, but I will do my best work work around that. My neighbor (the good one) has told me to take what I want, and he will get rid of the rest. That is a very generous offer, and I think I will take him up on his offer. There is a lot of good stuff out there, but a lot of stuff that is important on a farm, nothing too much that I need here in the Curious House. I jsut got back from the grocery. The lady in front of me left her debit card in the car, so I asked how much it was, that I could pay for it. It was $11, so I covered it for her. I did that once for a military guy at the laundry, without asking how much the bill was, and I just offered to pay his tab. It was OVER $100, so I always ask now before I commit. You all might know a better name for this flowering bush (they get pretty big), but I have always referred to them as a Rose of Sharon. Maybe yes, maybe no!
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