This morning I did my walk with Jay, and took my time getting in to Austin. I was pretty excited because we were going to have our agent meeting at the
Beyond VanGogh immersive experience (their words, not mine) at Circuit of the Americas. It was my first time at that facility, and I did not get too far into the facility, because the show was right up at the front of the facility. I enjoyed all parts of the experience (I am not comfortable saying 'experience' time and again), but the actual immersive part of it was really interesting. That part took about 30 minutes, and I took lots of photos. Interestingly, a young woman that was in the room with me (there were probably 75 people in the room at a time), came up to me and told me she had taken several photos of me because, from her vantage point, it looked like I was the only person in the room. To be clear, the room was not at all crowded, and there were bean bags, benches and people were just sitting on the floor or standing. I am not at all shy of having my picture taken, and I an not shy of taking my own picture, but there is really something about the photos the young lady shared with me that I think are really interesting. I thought about just posting the photo for this journal entry, but on second thought, I thought that might be a little odd, that the photo needed a bit of explanation.
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