Okay, so...since there was not a loud outcry accusing me of disgusting innuendo (I said I was nekkid yesterday), ponder on this for just a couple minutes. I got home this evening, and turned on the tv to see what catastrophe I had (so far) missed. No news, but commercials caught my attention. As I have professed before, I am a victim of Madison Avenue. But I digress... I have mentioned in this journal that I am taking Prevagen, just to see if I think it will help me with better cognitive things...every now and then, I can't think of a word, just stuff like that. So...there was a commercial about Prevagen when I turned on the television. Immediately following that commercial was a commercial for a drug to help men with erectile dysfunction. And then it struck me...if you chose not to take Prevagen, and you were a victim of erectile dysfunction, would you know it? I think not. Maybe. This is the kind of stuff that keeps me awake at night, but I think it is a valid concern. If you are worried with erectile dysfunction, maybe it would just be better if you didn't know it. FYI: This topic will not be accompanied with a photo for this journal entry. DAMMIT!
Okay, now for something completely different... Overnight, we got 2.16" of rain at the Curious House. It REALLY rained! So far today, there has not been any rain, but they are forecasting more overnight tonight and every day this week. I think they are forecasting about 3 more inches of rain in this area over the next seven days.
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