I need to quit bringing stuff from the farm to the Curious House. I have one more building to clean out, and I started that today. I loaded up the car with some stuff that I wanted to keep, and I filled up one trash can with stuff I did not want to keep. Between throwing stuff away and giving stuff away, I hope I can get the front barn cleaned out without bringing too much stuff to the Curious House. That is yet to be seen! I got up this morning, and everyone on the brunch team was otherwise occupied, so I made an egg loaf for me and the dogs. I checked the radar and it looked like we would have rain starting around 2:30, so I wanted to get stuff done at the farm before it rained. I got there about 12:30, and headed home about 3, and it was just sprinkling. I got home and went out in the back yard with the girls, and it was sprinkling a little bit, but that's all. We all came back inside, and at 4:02 the power went out. And then it started to really rain. Two-hours-and-fifteen-minutes later, the power came back on and the rain quit. The house never got too warm, so that was good, and we got 0.97" of rain in the gauge. All-in-all, not a bad afternoon. And, while I was at the farm today, I checked out the fruit trees. Both of the apple trees are doing pretty well, one of the peach trees is pretty good, nothing on the plum tree, one of the peach trees has lots of shriveled up peaches, and the olive tree did not survive the snowpocalypse. And I did not see any figs on the fig tree, but I bet if I look closer I will find some.
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