Okay, so I think this is Sunday,Right. This is kind of what it is like to be retired, right? You don't care what day it is and you don't care what time it is. I spent a great day with friends on the beach, under a cabana, taking a nap and networking. Tomorrow the real wirk begins with the President's Circle conference here in Marco Island, Florida. So far it has been a geat two days, but we arrived early and we will leave a day after the conference ends. Tomorrow we will hear from some political peeps on both sides of the aisle, and that is always the best. I am 100% capable of making up my own mind, after I have been presented both sides of the issue, from goot and competent sources of the issue. I am looking forward to it. But let's get back to today. It was all about beach, sun, chips, queso and ice cream. We started out under some umbrellas and chaise lounges secured by Melinda, and tehn we moves on to a little cabana (number 14), where we had more food and beverages, and ice cream sandwiches. A good time was had by all. It was not quite as good as being kidnapped and held hostage in Mexico, but the ice cream was delivered by hotel staff and I did not have to go schlep it and pay cash. It's kind of a long story. Then, there were naps, and a reception, with an offering of really good beef and seafood, and I enjoyed the beef and especially the really lovely shrimp. Then on to a stint at the Tiki Bar, more networking and then up to call it a day. I am the luckiest man in the world! Please excuse any typos if you see them.
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