My Tesla Ranger showed up right on time, well, within the window between 8 and 12:30. They had rescheduled the appointment from last Friday until today. They got half of the camera upgrade done, but they did not have all the replacement cameras they were supposed to replace, so I have ANOTHER appointment for Wednesday. That will work out well, since I have an early morning zoom call that I was intending to do from home. Then I should be able to make it in to the office after that. We are also doing our office party on Wednesday evening, so everything will work out just great. It was warm for our walk this morning, shorts and a t-shirt for me, no jacket. There is supposed to be a cold front coming through tomorrow and even a forecast freeze overnight Sunday, so I will be schlepping plants back in during the day on Sunday. After my appointment this morning, I went and ran a few errands, and I still have a few things to do tomorrow, after the one estate sale that Marge and I are going to. Sunday is open right now, but I am sure I will come up with something. There have been another few sightings of members of the Dead Santa Society, but it is not always opportune sightings...cannot always get an appropriate photo of the dead (deflated?) Santa, if there is such a thing.
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