As far as Mondays go, this one didn't suck. It was a chilly walk, but we made it. Me, Peter, Paul and Richard. I still think I should occasionally be known as Mary...and then the walks could be with Peter, Paul and Mary. There was no need to rush to da anything today, so I got in to the office right at about 10 o'clock. All was calm, there, too, and I got everything done that needed to be done, and then some. I left the office about 2 o'clock, and had one stop to make on the way. I dropped a TREPAC gnome off at Alisha and Reubens house, so there is now a 'new gnome in the home.' I was doing my best 'reverse porch pirate' with that delivery. When I got home, there was a package at the door, and I was pretty sure I was not expecting anything (whew!), and it had been delivered to the wrong address. That used to happen quite frequently when Dan and Nancy lived down the street, but not nearly as often anymore. Tonight, I went with Jimmie and Linda for dinner, and it was great. I always have a lot of fun with them, and tonight was no different. I continue to appreciate the friends I have made here at the Curious House, and continue to espouse the fact that I am a very lucky man!
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