Okay, enough of that. The drive in to the city today was more like a Tuesday or Wednesday instead of a Monday. Really no trouble at all, and the drive home was easy as well, even though I did get on the road at a reasonable hour. I got a lot of work done in the office, and I have a couple appointments tomorrow (including another closing), and then there is some usual stuff going on, but very little really pressing on me. I began the Power Point presentation for the classes I wrote, which will debut on April 1st (I don't think there is supposed to be a joke in that, but maybe there is), and it is all going pretty well. The Power Point slide show is going nicely, and I should have most of that finished in plenty of time to review. CAN TELL YOU THIS...it is much easier doing this stuff when you are the one that wrote the class. Much easier to do, thank you very much!
This is not a complaint, but there is a very good chance of rain for several days this week, which will cause a few issues; 1). The drivers in Austin and its surrounds will go totally ballistic and cause wrecks every where you look, 2). It will probably rain on Thursday when I am delivering my meals-on-wheels (and I hate that), 3). The back pastures will be really muddy when I go back there to feed the cattle. Otherwise, we desperately need and even more desperately want the rain, the more the merrier. We need a good hurricane to come up through Houston (with no damage to property or loss of life of course) to give us a good drenching. Nothing breaks a drought like a flood!
Otherwise, again, all is good, and life is sweet. Go find someone less fortunate than yourself (that should really not be too difficult) and do something nice for them. AND, if you really wanted to, you could make it a habit, and trade one of your really BAD HABITS for that new habit. You will be helping two people with one good deed that way. Try it, you'll maybe like it. Think of it like split pea soup, you will never know if you like it until you try it!
I love today's closing statement. Our family has taken it to heart - we're blogging about at LEAST one good deed we do each and every day. It's made us more mindful of our friends and neighbors, strangers and the beneficial programs in our area. I hope our efforts teach our children to be better people, good community members. And I hope they inspire others to bring a little more light to this world. :)