That is kind of how I feel about today. It was just such a really wonderful day! It started out pretty much as usual, but at about 10 AM this morning, there was RAIN in Austin. This stuff was coming out of the sky! It was a beautiful sight. And it was cooler than it has been in the last couple of weeks. It was still in the high eighties even after Noon! That has been unheard of lately. Folks everywhere were exclaiming about the cool temperatures. There was something new to talk about and did not include a really awful joke about Michael Jackson.
And then there was the property showings today, and the threat that someone might actually want to buy or lease something. I showed two properties today, and walked a couple others, and there is potential for a paycheck in each one of them. Yippee-Skippee!
As I was on my way home, I called and asked Jody if we had any rain, and he reported that we had about a quarter-inch, and that will just have to do. Anything is welcomed! There is a possibility that there will be a little bit more, we will just have to wait and see.
AND THEN after I got home, it was time to raise the flags on the new flagpole Jody got me for our anniversary. And they are beautiful, if I do say so myself! Of course, there is no wind right now, but that will change, and I am sure you will see plenty of flag photos flying unfurled in the Bartlett breezes that we so often have plenty of! Wait and see!
Okay, so how are your good deeds going? This is something you do not write down every day, but today I went and bought seventy pairs of children's underwear. See, I told you that is not something you see that often in print. Anyway, my friend Tandy is going off on an Amazon trip with her church (I think she does that every year or maybe every other year) and this year there seemed to be a need for kiddo sized underwear. Anyway, I got her several pairs, and she will distribute them as she sees fit. Good for her!
Do something kind for someone, and remember to have fun!