It is not unusual for me to see hawks on the way to work, whether it be on I-35 or MoPac, but it is just as easy to see them on the little County Roads I go back and forth on, and at least on the little roads, you can actually stop and take a nice look at them, and they are not too skittish until you get really close to them, and then they take off, and show their beautiful wing span. SO beautiful and gracious, as long as you do not think about them ripping the skin off other small mammals.
I am finished preparing for the class I will teach on Thursday, so I will try not to think about it too much for a few days. I think it is better to let everything sort of absorb into my little pea-brain, and then revisit it casually just before the class. Kind of like prepping for a long bike ride, you train and train, and then take a couple days off before the big ride. No sense in over doing it, especially since everything will be just fine.
My business partner Carrie took us all (me, Tom our Assistant and River our Administrative Assistant) to Threadgill's for lunch this afternoon. I had my usual, a club sandwich on whole wheat. I like club sandwiches, and at least I am predictable. After lunch, I had a couple appointments with folks in my office, and got some e-mails and other correspondence done, so that was good. It will be a busy week, Carrie will be out of town starting on Wednesday, I will be teaching a class on Thursday, and I need to be at the house on Friday at 1 PM to meet some vendors. What would we do without our Outlook Calendar programs? Life is complicated and generally over-scheduled.
Our neighbors came out and cut the pastures, so now they will need to come back and rake it and then bale it. I am not sure if they will do that later today or tomorrow, but we are getting closer to knowing how much hay our property will produce. Now if we can just get some rain every now and then, we can have another cutting in the late fall. That would be swell!
Did I tell you we have a snake living in the fish pond in front of the house? I think he has already eaten the fish that were there, and he just decided he would move in. Kind of squatters rights I guess. Anyway, he is kind of brown, slimy and really long. Last night I went outside to make sure I had turned off the soaker hoses, and he and I kind of play peek-a-boo with the flashlight. So, he had enough of me last night, and he slithered completely out of the little pond, and he is a pretty long dude (or dudette). I have no idea where he slithered off to, but I saw him again this morning. Oh well, he is not hurting me (the fish cannot say the same, however) so I guess I will not bother him.
Do a good deed for someone, and try to do something nice for yourself while you are at it. Have Fun!
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