After my post last night, Jody and I got in the pool for a while and enjoyed the evening, listening to the hum of the wind generators. When we got out of the pool, I had a pop-sicle, and crawled into be to watch some tv. The dog, cat and I were all enjoying the tube when I heard voices in the other room. Apparently the door bell had rung, and Jody answered the door. It was some of our neighbors (the Snyder's) and they had brought us some fresh corn on the cob and two different kinds of potatoes. Yummy! Life is good.

Everything is perfect in this moment. Relax, let go, and follow your intuitive impulses. Good words today from my friend Chad, and it kind of goes along with my ending to yesterdays post, NAMASTE! What do you think. It also works well with the photo I had in mind for today's post, what do you think? This tile was made several years ago by our friend in Connecticut, Melody. We have carried this tile (and another one she made) to several different houses, and we love it very much. Do not stress over the small stuff, and remember, it is all small stuff!
Today is starting out to be a great day. I will be leaving shortly to do my meals-on-wheels route, and I always enjoy that. Then I have a couple errands to run, and then back to the office for the rest of the afternoon. Hopefully I will get lots of work done before I leave the office this afternoon.

And the day pretty much turned out just as wonderfully as I had expected it would. I got a good bit of work done in the office, got some errands taken care of, had a couple minor disappointments (still not sure how those will turn out) and left the office a little bit after 4 PM. Made a couple stops on the way home, including one to the 'artists foundry' in Walburg, where the metal sculptures for Jody's anniversary gift are continuing to take shape. We have decided to make them three separate sculptures instead of the three birds on one stone...partly because of the size of the sculptures, and partly because, generally speaking, neither of us have ever seen cranes (is that the way you spell 'crane' as in bird?) in the wild in multiples...I cannot think of ever seeing cranes in a group. So, singles it is! The photo does not really do justice to the sculptures, and once they are installed, I will take better photos and post them.
Jody was ready to head out for dinner when I got home, so we went to Lois and Jerry's in Bartlett. Jody had a giant cheese burger, and I had fried shrimp. Not bad if I do say so myself. When we left, we went to the Dollar General store and I bought a couple cans of shoe polish.
Tomorrow is Friday, and that will be a good thing, I am really looking forward to the weekend. Lots of things that need to be done around the house, and I think I have a date with a bunch of weeds. I hate weeding, but it has to be done.
Be kind to someone, and try to make it a habit. Have Fun!
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