Today was a confusing day, all of us at the office were trying to accommodate other peoples schedules, and meetings were changed, timing was all confused, and really we had some questions as to what exactly we were supposed to be doing at any given time. Amazingly, it seems that everything that was supposed to be accomplished was accomplished, it just felt kind of dis-jointed.
The morning was spent walking property and getting caught up with e-mails. Then we left for a NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers) luncheon at the Marie Calendar's Restaurant near the Arboretum. After that, we all headed back to the office and we had a Property Management meeting (usually held on Thursdays) because some of the staff will be out of town. After that meeting, I got a little bit more office work done, and I headed home.
I was excited to be getting home so I could see how much hay had been baled. I was absolutely amazed to find that the front pasture along had yielded 20 and a half bales. INCREDIBLE! Last year, that same pasture yielded 7 bales, so all the money we spent on having the pastures fertilized and sprayed for weeds has paid off. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY. That means our cattle will have feed even in the worst conditions, and that is really a great feeling. Michael and Hubert will come back tomorrow and they will bale the back pastures and they are saying we should yield at least 15 bales from that. Wonderful! Hay is expensive when you HAVE to buy it, and it is good to know that we will have enough hay to last us. Here is the broken record part...we really hope to get some rain, and if we do, we can get a second cutting in, and that would just be extra fine!
Our neighbors (Randy and Pauline) brought us more corn this afternoon, and they have told us how to freeze we just need to make room in the freezer, but that should not be a problem. If it is, it is a good problem to have. Worst case scenario would be that we go to Sears and buy a small chest freezer, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it. I think there will be vegetables of other kinds brought over to us before the season is over.
We both love living in the country, and we are blessed to have wonderful neighbors, and we are trying to be good neighbors in return. We have repeatedly said that we see our neighbors here more than any of the neighbors we had EVER when we lived in the city. Country life is good!
Okay, the snake is still in the fish pond in the front of the house, and I rescued a rat out of the pool this morning. They must all be looking for water. See my comments about hoping for rain a few paragraphs above this one. Last year I rescued a skunk out of the pool, but that is a different story.
Have fun, do something nice for someone, and remember to do something nice for yourself while you are at it!
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