Today was another swell day, and it could only be made better is we were to get some rain. There is rain to the north east of us and rain to the south of us. There were strong storms in the Dallas area overnight (but Dallas is a WEIRD weather place). So, that is kind of promising that there is some possibility of precipitation in the area, we will just have to wait and see what happens.
My two-day class ended today, and I think it went well, but we will await the evaluations most likely next week. You are always trying to judge the you need to speed up, do you need to slow dow, how many more questions can you take, is that guy sleeping or is he unconscious? And you try to adjust your instruction according to the class feed back, so we shall see. But the subject is interesting and I do not think there was a single person in the class that was there because their licenses were expiring and they needed the credit. They were all there because they wanted to be there and because they were interested in the subject matter. AND, most of the desired goals that were expressed at the beginning of the class were met, even though you cannot get all the expectations covered. It was only a two day class.
Tomorrow my schedule is pretty open, and I will get the preparation for my next weeks class finished, and then just enjoy the rest of the weekend. I am hoping for a really nice weekend, because I really do not think there is a lot of work at the house that needs to be accomplished. I think we area pretty much caught up, so we should be able to just sit back and least that is the plan for now. I do want to get the soaker hoses that I bought distributed throughout the planted beds, and get some water to the plant life.
Okay, it is about time to go and skim the pool and jump in. Make sure you are being kind to those who might need a good deed, and remember that what goes around, comes around. Have Fun!
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