Today has been a very good day. A good hearing at the Board of REALTORS and a good day at the office. I stopped again and got donuts on the way to the hearing and we ordered pizza for lunch, yummy good. I sometimes think my entire existence revolves around food. I expect the rest of the week to slow down a bit, but every day is a good day here!
I did not mention that we had a fresh tomato from the garden for dinner last night, along with stuffed salmon and corn on the cob (not from the garden). I am looking forward to home-grown corn in the next week or so. Good healthy stuff. More about food...
I wonder what Jody will be making for dinner tonight? Okay, I will quit now!

Or maybe I won't. I sometimes think that if I am not writing about food or traffic, there would be nothing to write about in this on-line diary. Well, what of it? I guess food and traffic takes a large part of my life, and you know, you are supposed to write about what you know, so that is what I am doing. Traffic for the last several weeks has not been really that bad, and I have been pretty lucky to be on the other side (of the expressway) from where the real problems have been. How is it (do you think) that an 18 wheeled vehicle can just come to a stop in the middle lane of traffic at 3 PM'ish in the afternoon. No flat tire, no blown engine, no wreck...JUST STOPPED like an innocent little (okay, BIG) puppy craving attention? I do not know how that happens, but it does, and I am grateful for not being behind it today. Traffic on the southbound side (I was northbound) was backed up for miles and I just sailed past it.

As I got closer to home, I stopped at the local metal sculptor artist studio in Walburg to check on the progress of the metal sculptures I have commissioned (that sounds important) for Jody's gift for our anniversary. There are to be three birds mounted on a large blue rock, and here is a photo of the first two out of three. They will become sufficiently rusted with time (and a little help of some well-chosen chemicals) and I hope they will look nice wherever Jody chooses to place them. I hope he likes them, too!
It is really too hot to sit outside tonight, so after I post this entry, I think I am going to finish a book I have been reading and then call it a night. I hope you have all had a nice day, and that you can find it in yourself to do a good deed for someone. They deserve it and I know you will feel good after doing it. HAVE FUN!
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