The world as we know it will be coming to an end very soon. For the first time since 1988 (I can give you the exact date if you like, it was the day I was 'discharged' from my last job that was not created by me) I put on a necktie. Not only that, I actually bought four neckties last week, and I intend to make good use of all of them. AND I expect I will even buy more neckties in the not too distant future. What will come of the world is yet to be determined, although this bit of knowledge that I am sharing with you will certainly knock the earth off its' axis, and all manner of things will become catty-wampus. I am not sure if any of us will be able to recover!

Today is the final class in the Leadership program, and the graduation ceremony and luncheon, ergo the occasion for the necktie. This is a photo of the class, many important folk from both the Austin Board of REALTORS and the Texas Association of REALTORS (and me). I am expecting lots of comments from folks at the Board. When I became a REALTOR and first joined the Board, I was proud of the fact that I wore 'short pants' every day of my life. Then I decided I wanted to become an instructor, so I made a conscious decision to wear 'long pants', even though they were mostly jeans. Now I am making a conscious decision to don a necktie. What will become of me, I am not sure.

It is 2:30 PM and I am back in the office. It was a good closing class, and a nice luncheon. Lots of congratulations and things, and lots of kind words by all. There were representatives of the local Board as well as the Texas Association of REALTORS at the ceremony, and we are all ready to see if we can use the knowledge that we have gained. This photo is of me with Deb Waldman, the Director of Professional Development with the Texas Association of REALTORS.
Life goes kind of feels like Christmas afternoon, something that you have worked towards for a long time, and once you get to it, suddenly it is over. I am tired, and jumping straight into getting stuff ready for my classes on Wednesday and Thursday, and getting prepared for my class next Thursday.
Interestingly, since much of this entry is about my sartorial endeavors, something else comes to mind. When it is all said and done, it will not really matter what kind of clothes you wore, or that you were very stylish with the latest fashion trends. What will really matter is how many people less fortunate than yourselves you helped with the most basic of clothing. How many people were you able to provide a new pair of shoes, or a warm coat when winter was bearing down? So, with all that in mind, remember to do a good deed for someone at every opportunity you get, and, remember to have fun!
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