It is a beautiful day here in Central Texas, although I would like it a little bit more if it were just a little bit cooler! Summer is officially here (according to us, and that is all that is important) and the weather forecasts are predicting temperatures in the mid-to-upper nineties for the duration, and not much rain is in the forecasts, either.
The first of the month means lots of leasing and property management stuff to do, and that also means there are not enough hours in the day. Properties need to be walked and listed for lease, and repairs to be noted and vendors scheduled. BUT, life is good, don't get any other ideas that I am not a happy guy! Life is REALLY good!
Austin is really becoming a 'big city'. I did not pay that much attention to it until we moved full time to the country, but now I see it more and more. Not only is it a city full of big buildings and people, it is a city full of the problems that 'big citiness' brings. Today, the Wells Fargo bank in Tarrytown was robbed by someone carrying an assault rifle, and according to the news, the police responded with lots of fire power of their own. I know bad things can happen to good people, so I guess bad things can happen to good cities, too. It is kind of sad and distressing that we are growing quicker than we can all absorb and cope with the changes that are needed. I have always known Austin was a big city according to the population statistics, but I always really felt like it was more of a little town. I guess everything changes, and that is just the way it is.
I stopped in the middle of the road just down from our house this afternoon, and our neighbor Randy was driving kind of get to where you know who-drives-what, and we just stood in the road and talked for a while. He said the corn will be ready this week or next, and that will mean good eating. Looking forward to that, and all the goodness of home grown vegetables.
Carrie had dental surgery this afternoon, so I imagine she is not really doing that well right now. Hopefully she will be okay later in the week. Tomorrow I have another hearing at the Board of REALTORS, and I do not have to leave too early for that (but I will stop for donuts on the way).
Folks did me a couple of good deeds today, both of them in traffic situations that I can remember. How are you doing in the good deed category? It really does not take that much time to do, and you will remember the good feeling you have for a long time. It is just nice to be nice. Try it, and I hope you will like it.
Have fun!
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