Well, our hired man did not show up today. He called at about 10 AM to say he would be here in a little while, and by then I thought it was too late for him to come out. He said he will be here next weekend, so...we shall see... He came to get the trailer last week (Friday) and I think he is bringing some old rail road ties to re-do some of the terraced areas in the gardens, and that would be good, but I am an early starter. By the time he called, I had already used the tractor to cut the grass that I did not get to yesterday, and retrieved several boxes from the front shed to go through and sort stuff to take to our re-sale shop.

Jody and I headed to the re-sale shop at about 11:30 AM, and we got there and unloaded today's haul. It did not take us very long, and we left there and went to Home Depot (I prefer Lowe's but the closest one is in Taylor, and we were not heading in that direction). We wanted to get some of that Miracle Grow liquid feeder stuff, and while we were there, we picked up two 'yellow bells' (not sure of the technical name) and a plumeria for around the pool. The gardenia that I bought last week is still putting out blooms, and it is deliciously fragrant. Now all I need to do is plant the stuff!

After Home Depot, we headed to Dairy Queen to ruin our appetites for lunch, which we accomplished with no trouble. A Blizzard Treat is always a good thing, and that way, we skip lunch and then we pretty much just kind of knosh our ways through dinner, with nothing formal, just a bite here and a bite there.
When we got home, we went out to look at the one surviving peach tree that actually has three peaches on it, although they are hard as a rock. I am not sure if they will actually ripen enough to eat of not, but they are getting some red color on them.
Then we laid around in the pool for a while, until it was decided that I would come in and watch 'Cadillac Records' which I have had here from NetFlix for about a month already. I am going to try and fast forward through the other two movies that have been languishing here and send them back tomorrow...I do not even know what I have on the list that will be sent next.
Don't forget to do a good deed for someone (or yourself) and remember, HAVE FUN!
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