On the way home, I stopped by the tire place in Bartlett to make sure they were open, and to make sure they could mount the tires for me. I told them I would be back, that I needed to hook the trailer up to the truck, get the lawn mower on the trailer and bring it in to have them mount the new tires. The guy at the tire place said, "why don't you just bring the wheels in?" Well, DUH! Do you think I am always trying to make things difficult? Sometimes I wonder! Anyway, I got home, and Jody gave me moral support and we got all four tires off the lawn mower and he took them in to Bartlett to have them mounted. The lawn mower is now up on blocks!
While Jody was gone, I cut the grass in the dog yard and around the solar clothes dryer. It may not sound like a lot, but I was breathing pretty hard by the time I was finished. Almost immediately after I get the grass cutting done, the cold front come through and the temperature dropped a good ten degrees, maybe more. The air dried out, and it cooled off.
Jody and I went out to the front shed, and brought a few more boxes into the garage to go through. We are taking some stuff to the re-sale space tomorrow, and our expanded space will be open, so we need to take more stuff in to fill it up. We opened about six or eight boxes, and got most of it priced. What we did not get priced tonight, Jody will do in the morning. I need to go into the office early in the morning to get some work done, and then I have a 10:30 AM appointment. When I get back, we will load up the trucks and go take the stuff to the re-sale shop. I will take Jody's truck into town tomorrow to take the cardboard boxes into the recycling center on my way in.
Jody's truck turned over 30K miles this morning. His truck is about a year older than mine, and he just turned over 30K miles, and my car has over 65K miles on it. I just drive a lot more, that's all!
All of the people at the party (in honor or Randy and Irene's daughter Diedre, who just graduated with her master's degree) know our house as 'Aunt Mary's place'. We did not know we lived at 'Aunt Mary's Place' until today. Aunt Mary Turner to be exact. It seems that a lot of the folks at the party grew up around here and had lots of stories to tell about growing up in the area. It is nice to be integrating ourselves into a community where everyone knows everyone else. Not sure about the knowing every one's business part of it though, but we will work on that!
Okay, I hope you did some good deeds today, and that you were thanked profusely for your generosity. Good deeds will come back to you many times over, both in kindnesses that will be paid to you, but also in just the good feelings you get from being kind and generous to others. Have Fun!
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