I went out this morning and pulled a few weeds (really, only a few) and did some watering. Watering the plants and gardening is almost like riding my bike used to be, just hours of no concentration on anything in particular, and doing lots of thinking and solving all of the worlds problems. Great ideas probably come to mind while gardening or bike riding. I think it is probably a toss-up.
I called the Bartlett Electric Co-Op official (a very nice man) and he told me they had ordered a new electric meter for the house, one that is built to run backwards if we are generating more energy than we are using. When he first answered the phone, I introduced myself, and he acted as if he knew me (I had talked with him about two or three weeks ago). I asked him if he knew who I was and he answered "windmill number three". I thought that was pretty cool. I then explained to him that we had two turbines, so that made us windmills number three and four. Anyway, he said that it would not hurt anything if we turned the windmills on, so of course that is what we did. Actually, I expressed my concern to him that, everyone had told me NOT to turn them on until the electric company had a chance to come out and make sure everything was okay. He said he could not think of anything that could go wrong, and I asked him to send me an e-mail to that affect, and that it was okay to power up the turbines and he said he would. About an hour later, I guess that is how long it took him to reconsider, he called back and said they would be out on Thursday to put in the new meter, and, yeah, it is probably best to turn them off until we get a chance to come out and look at them. So that is what we did, and we should be all 100% up and running early Thursday morning (first thing)!
Well, I took Mikey to the airport and we miss him already, but we all hope he will be back soon. It is not terribly inconvenient to go back-and-forth from Ft. Lauderdale (I guess, it is not me doing the travelling), so maybe he will come back soon.
We had bar-b-que for dinner tonight, and we are planning to invite lots of people over in the coming MONTHS so we can try to eat all the food that was left over from the party on Saturday. Oh, well...if you accept an invitation from us, guess what you will end up having? Two guesses...
Okay how are you doing in the good deed department? I did a couple good deeds today, and I fear there are at least a few folks that think I was mean to them, but I also believe it is all a matter of perception. Anyway, you can always catch more flies (believe me) with honey than you can with vinegar. So, this is your cue to go and be sweet to someone, and it will come back to you many times over. HAVE FUN!
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